Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Indian Adventures.. in Bentham

Colourful Kolkata trucks

Sole to Soul
Grasmere Drive, Bentham

Homeopathic Adventures in India

Tuesday 30th November
6.30 for 7pm start

I spent time in Kolkata in 2008 and 2009 on a postgraduate homeopathy course. This involved lectures and many hours in various clinics throughout the city.

But it wasn't all hard work. I also did some travelling in Darjeeling, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and attended a huge Bengali wedding.

So come along to a colourful slide show of my travels and be transported to India for a couple of hours and escape the grim winter weather!

£2 including refreshments and homemade cakes. Let me know if you want to come so I make sure we don't run out of cakes.

0800 298 0701 or 07932 159099