Monday, 24 May 2010

Homeopathic Adventures in India

Adventures in India

Monday 31st May

6.30 for 7pm start

Gateway to Health

Behind LloydsTSB, Castle Hill, Settle

I spent time on a postgraduate homeopathy course in Kolkata in 2008 and 2009. This was a combination of lectures and outreach clinics in the slums and rural areas. I also managed to do a bit of travelling in Darjeeling, Tamil Nadu and Kerala and attended a huge Bengali wedding.

So come along and see a colourful slide show of my Indian adventures.

No charge but please leave donations for refreshments. If you would like to come let me know so I can bake enough cakes!

0800 298 0701 or 07932 159099
A sign on the road to Darjeeling